We expect all children to wear the correct school uniform.
A smart school uniform creates a smart impression and is conducive to a sense of community. Parents will be expected to bring the correct school uniform up to school if children arrive without it. Please note that the school colour is royal blue.
We do appreciate that school uniform can be an additional burden on household funds so we do have some uniform available or we can offer help with purchasing uniform if needed. Please do speak to the school office or a member of staff.
School uniform
We emphasise the importance of children wearing the appropriate shoes to school. Strong school shoes are recommended as they give excellent support when the children are running and playing outside. Plain black trainers with no motif can be worn. Slip-on shoes, or those with higher heels than normal, are unsafe and inappropriate. Plain black boots can be worn in winter but they are not recommended. Sandals can be worn in the summer however they must be black and have a back. Black cycling shorts can be worn under a skirt or dress but should not be lower than the skirt or dress.
At times the school office has a supply of donated uniform, please contact the school office if you would like to make use of this provision.
PE Kit
Children are permitted to wear trainers when participating in PE outdoors but when inside all children should have a pair of black plimsolls or bare feet.
These should be kept in a simple drawstring bag.
The children in Dragons can wear slippers in school. This has been very successful as we believe it has helped the children to settle in class even more. Also, as the children spend lots of time on the carpet playing, it keeps the carpet cleaner as children move inside and out.
We ask that children do not wear jewellery because they have to remove it for PE as part of our Health and Safety policy and we are concerned that they may lose it. Children should not come to school with track lines or coloured hair unless it is a spray for a celebration or mufti day.