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Oyster Coppice

Summer Term 2

This term we will be learning about the following:

Science: Living things and their habitats (including microhabitats).

History: Change and continuity in our local area.

Literacy: predicting, retelling a story, identifying rhyming words, character descriptions and writing my own story.

Math: multiplying and dividing, adding and subtracting, mass and shape.

DT: Design and make using mechanisms.



The homework every week is to learn your spellings and complete an assignment, reading at least three times a week and to complete numbots (10 minutes a day).


Optional homework

Write your own story.

Paint a picture with your own magic paintbrush.

Go on a walk around Tisbury and take a picture.

Make some biscuits and write an algorithm.

Make a poster on cleaning your teeth.

Write about your favourite animal.



Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Rendell

Wassail (17th January 2024)

The whole school participated in a Wassail. This is where we thank our apple trees for a good harvest and hope for the same in the coming year.  The children help to ward off the evil spirits (in the form of the weather) by tying coloured paper to the trees and shouting and banging saucepans.

They then put bread soaked in apple juice unto the branches of the trees to feed the good spirit (the robin) and apple juice is poured around the roots of the trees.

Finally we all had warm apple juice where we toasted our trees.


Wassail 17th January 2024

Forest school Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Information Session Year 1 and 2

Welcome to Unicorns Class 2023 – 2024


Hello! I am Mrs Rendell the years one and two teacher.  You will also find two amazing teaching assistants in Unicorns class, Mrs Hill and Mrs Morris.

Each day is full of fun learning!  In the mornings, we concentrate on our English, including Phonics where we learn new sounds everyday. This is followed by our maths lesson, which includes quick recall.  We are focussing on Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Our topic this term is 'Our Mind'. This topic will be covered throughout English and our non-core subjects.  Look out for Unicorns work later this term! 

Here is a list of some of the areas we will be learning about this term!


Literay - Super Duper you! The storm Whale

Computing - technology

Science - Animal habitats

History - Changes in living memory (looking at how toys have changed)

Gymnastics - Covered by PE Coaches

Being me in my world - PSHE

Every week your homework will be:

- spellings

- play Numbots

- read three times, aloud to an adult

You can practise your spellings in your homework book.

 Please make sure your child has their P.E kit, reading books and drink bottle in school daily. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Rendell

Today, Unicorns had a visit from the Oral Health Nurse.  She talked to the children about how to clean their teeth and the types of food to avoid or eat in small amounts.

Oral Health Visit



Welcome to Unicorns Class 2022 – 2023


Hello! I am Mrs Rendell the years one and two teacher.  You will also find three amazing teaching assistants in Unicorns class, Mrs Corbett, Mrs Stone and Mrs Hill

Each day is full of fun learning!  In the mornings, we concentrate on our English, including Phonics where we learn new sounds everyday. This is followed by our maths lesson, which includes quick recall.  We are focussing on Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Our topic this term is 'All about me'. This topic will be covered throughout English and our non-core subjects.  Look out for Unicorns work later this term! 

Here is a list of some of the areas we will be learning about this term!

The adventures of the egg box dragon, which will include instruction writing.

DT - making our own dragon


Science - Autumn

Our World


Being me in my world - PSHE

Every week your homework will be:

- spellings

- play Numbots

- read three times, aloud to an adult

You can practise your spellings in your homework book.

 Please make sure your child has their P.E kit, reading books and drink bottle in school daily. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Rendell

Summer Term 1

What a busy term we have installed for Unicorns.  Here are a few of the things we will be doing:

  • Daily phonics sessions.
  • Science - looking at sound
  • Literacy - Owls.  Writing our own fact file.  Hopefully we will have a visit from an owl as well!  Watch this space!
  • Mathematics - fractions
  • DT - making and designing our own kites.
  • Celebrating the Queens Jubilee and our school's anniversary
  • looking at relationships in PSHE with Jigsaw Jack.
  • RE- Judaism


Homework each week

  • Please read at least 3 times a week.
  • Learn your spellings for a spelling test and dictation on Friday each week.
  • Numbots - at least 10 mins (2 - 3 times a week)


Please check your homework book each week.


Mrs Rendell

Spring Term 2

This term we will be learning about the following:

  • The Great Fire of London
  • Healthy me - Jigsaw Jack.  What we need to have a healthy diet.
  • RE - Palm Sunday leading up to Easter.
  • Forest school - linked to our Topic 'Under the Ground'.


If you want to do extra learning at home, you can research the following and bring in your work to earn extra housepoints.

  1. Design a healthy lunchbox
  2. Do a poster on 'The Last Supper'.
  3. Find out some facts on Samuel Pepys.
  4. Go on a nature walk and note down how many minibeasts you find.


Mrs Rendell

Half term Homework. (21.2.22)


Please remember to do the following over the next week.

  • Read at least three times a week.
  • Numbots.
  • Learn the common exception words for your year group. (copy in your blue homework book) or link above. We will be having a spelling test on Friday 4th March 2022.
  • Find out about the Great Fire of London.


Have a lovely half term


Mrs Rendell


This term we are very busy indeed, here's why.... we will be:

  • investigating our whole-school topic - Under The Ground
  • writing about Jack and the beanstalk - is the giant at St John's?
  • writing a story about a journey on a train
  • learning about plants 
  • learning about number facts and how they can help us to add and subtract.
  • becoming experts at atlases and maps so we can spot oceans, seas, continents and countries
  • setting goals and thinking about our dreams with Jigsaw Jack
  • finding out about Jesus as a friend





Every week your homework will be:

- learn your spellings for a test and dictation on Fridays

- play  Numbots everyday

- read three times, at least, aloud to an adult


If you would like to do some more learning at home, see below for some ideas.

Mrs Rendell is always pleased to see work that has been completed in your own time. 


Home Learning ideas - Spring Term


  • Investigate the seas, oceans, continents and countries of the world
  • Play board games with two dice and practice your speed adding
  • Try an online kids yoga session to help you chill out (RelaxKids is very good)
  • Use your cards to play games at home - snap, happy families, bonds to 10
  • Find out about your favourite creature who lives underground
  • Keep your eyes out for signs of Spring


Don't forget to bring your work into school to share :)



Welcome to Unicorns Class 2021 – 2022


Hello! I am Mrs Rendell the years one and two teacher.  You will also find two amazing teaching assistants in Unicorns class, Mrs Corbett and Mrs Stone.

Each day is full of fun learning!  In the mornings, we concentrate on our English, including Phonics where we learn new sounds everyday. This is followed by our maths lesson, which includes quick recall.  We are focussing on Number bonds to 10.

Our topic this term is 'Under the Sea'. This topic will be covered throughout English and our non-core subjects.  Look out for Unicorns work later this term! 

Here is a list of some of the areas we will be learning about this term!

The Rainbow Fish

Under the sea art


Our World

Team games

Every week your homework will be:

- spellings

- play Numbots

- read three times, aloud to an adult

You can practise your spellings in the big blue book.

 Please make sure your child has their P.E kit, reading books and drink bottle in school daily. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Rendell

A few photos from our 'No Screen Day'.

 Home Learning 7th - 9th January 2021


Hi Unicorns, 


Below are some ideas for your home learning for the next three days:


Spellings and number bonds work on EdShed

Write about your favourite Christmas present

Read to an adult

Practise your maths passport

Abacus maths games online


If you would like additional activities please see the letter below dated 19th May 2020.


Please be ready for live lessons next week. 


Take care, 


Mrs Maidment.




An insight to our learning!

Welcome to Unicorns!

Autumn Term  2020


I am Mrs Maidment the class teacher and I am very lucky to have Mrs Corbett and Mrs Hill as my amazing TAs. We are a mixed class of 19 year 1 children and 7 year 2 children.


Each day is full of fun learning!  In the morning we have phonics, maths and English.  In the afternoons we learn the non-core subjects.  This term lots of our geography and science will take place in the outdoor environment so make sure you always have your coat and wellingtons in school.  In science we will be learning about 'Everyday Materials'.  In geography we will be learning about our local area, following that we will be studying the continents and in December we will investigate how Christmas is celebrated around the world.  


Our topic this term is 'Our Wonderful World '. This topic will be covered throughout English and our non-core subjects.  Look out for Unicorn's work later this term! 


Homework, for English please focus on reading at least three times a week and learning the  weekly spellings.  Maths homework should include learning the 10 x timetables; TTrockstars is a good way to practise these.  If you wish to have additional homework I have attached a homework document which provides different homework ideas.  These ideas can also be used if your child is off school self -isolating. 


Please make sure your child has their P.E kit, reading books and drink bottle in school daily. 


Thank you


Mrs Maidment


Curriculum Foundation Subjects Long Term Planning KS1


Messums November 2017
