Home Page


Welcome to Dragons class page !


We are a wonderful class of fourteen reception children. Zoe Hunter is the Dragons class teacher who is supported by Miss Roe and Mrs Hill our fantastic teaching assistants. On Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings Lucy Young teaches the class offering music and RE. 


Our day flows with a balance between child-initiated and adult-led teaching. We very much believe in encouraging the children's interests and using this to support our planning. We ensure that there is plenty of opportunities for the children to practice what they have learnt through their play by enhancing the areas of the classroom.


We have a 'whatever the weather' philosophy and spend a great deal of time making the most of our beautiful outdoor classroom. Our children are encouraged to move between the two environments and independently change from their slippers into waterproof trousers, wellies and coats. Mrs Rendell is a trained forest school leader and the children engage in regular Forest School Sessions in our small area of woodland. 


Please look at our class learning book to find out what we have been up to each week. 

Our aim is to make learning as hands on and meaningful for the children as possible. 

Home Learning!

Phonics Reading Books: Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week (this does not have to be the whole book each time). remember to write when they have read in their reading records and what page they should read next.


Green Class Learning Book: Our class learning book enables you to keep up to date with what we have been learning in school each week. it links to the areas of the curriculum and the early learning goals.


Red Phonics Home Learning Book: In here we put any sounds or irregular words that we have learnt, or are focusing on that week. Your children can use this books as a reminder and have a go at writing some of them too.


Bug Club: Your children have a Bug Club login which can be found in the front of their reading records. On here we allocate the new learning we have done each week as well as games for your children to engage in.


Numbots: Your children have a Numbots login which can be found in the front of their reading records. On here your child will develop their Maths through fun and engaging games.

Below you will find some of our most recent learning.

Nativity - Christmas Counts!

Phunky Foods. This week the children listened to the story 'Handa's Surprise'. They then used knives to cut fruit and create their own fruity rainbow.

Big Brush Club! We have learnt all about brushing our teeth and why oral health is important. We brush our teeth for two minutes everyday after Lunch.

Dragons Maths and Spelling Passports
