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Summer Term 2

Below are some areas that we will be learning about this term.

Maths:  some areas covered will be, multiplying, dividing, addition, subtraction and fractions.

English: our class book is Darwin’s Dragon; the children will be learning to provide reasoned justifications for their views, writing a letter, writing a narrative and a biography.

Geography: in geography the children will be learning about different regions in the United Kingdom. 

Art: using a range of materials the children will create their own sculptures.

PE: this term the children will be developing their swimming skills and playing cricket.

DT: building structures, the children will evaluate their structures and find ways to strengthen and stiffen their structures.

Science: we will continue our learning about plants.  

The children will revise the science topics that they've learnt this year; they will do this by carrying our enquiry questions and experiments.


Additional Homework

Create a poster on any of the science topics that you’ve learnt this year.

Continue to learn to tell the time.

Write a daily diary.

Spend time in the fresh air and go for a walk.

Help your child to become independent, help them to be organise their own PE kit, swimming kit and homework.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Maidment





Summer Term 1 


Elves have another busy half-term ahead.  Here are some of the non-core curriculum areas that we will be covering this half term:



Elves will be keeping the history local this half-term and investigating the Amesbury Archer.  The children will visit the Salisbury Museum; they will take part in workshops which will enable them to build their knowledge of the Amesbury Archer.



The children will need their PE kit in school everyday.  They will take part in athletic  sessions with the PE coaches and with myself they will be learning how to play rounders.  




During art we will continue our learning from last term.  We will be learning about the artist Visothkakvei and looking how to add texture to our drawings.



We will be learning about data handling and looking how to represent data in different ways.



Our science lessons will involve investigating plants, the children will carry out experiments to find our what plants need to grow.  We will also explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.



Ideas for optional homework:


If you have the opportunity grow some vegetables in your garden.  

Use what you've learnt in art lessons to draw your own pictures at home.

Learn to tell the time.

Continue to learn your year group spellings.
































Welcome to Elves Class 2023 -2024


Hello! I am Mrs Maidment the years four and five teacher.  You will also find two amazing teaching assistants in Elves class, Mrs Corbett and Mrs Prior.

Each day is full of fun learning!  In the mornings, we concentrate on our English, including SPAG (spelling, grammar and punctuation). This is followed by our maths lesson, which includes daily mental maths sessions, timetables practise along with daily written arithmetic and problem solving.

Our topic in the autumn term is 'Our Mind'. Look out for Elves’ work later this term! 


Here is a list of some of the other areas we will be learning about in the autumn term!

Our history learning is 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'.

In science, we will be learning about animals, including humans.  We will learn how animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition. We will also investigate that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. 

During the autumn term our PE topics are football and gymnastics. 

In art, we will be trying to relax our minds by creating and drawing patterns. 

Our PSHE topic is 'Being In My World'. We will look at how attitudes and actions make a difference in a class team and know how good it feels to be included in a group. 


Every week your homework will be:

- spellings

- play TTRockstars  (aim for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a week)

- read three times, aloud to an adult

 Please make sure your child has their P.E kit, reading books and drink bottle in school daily. 


Thank you

Mrs Maidment

Online safety powerpoint

Microsoft teams - classroom notes

Monday 11th January 2021

Please use the following websites and activities over the next few days while we get Microsoft teams up and running ready for Monday morning (11th January).  

Thank you for your continued support.


Read a chapter of your book;

Practise your times tables;

Complete your maths passport;

Write a blog to keep in touch with school and your friends.


BBC Bitesize

Hit the button

Abacus Active Learn


Mrs Rendell

Home learning 2020/21

A few pictures from this term.

Around the World Day

Welcome to Elves Class!


Elves Class is a mixed Year 4/5 class.

In our classroom you will also find our awesome teacher, Mrs Rendell and our fabulous TA, Mrs Robson. 




To keep up to date with all our Elfish goings-on, check back to this page for pictures, links and more..... 

Why washing with soap is VERY important

Just a little demonstration of why washing your hands with soap is much more effective than using water alone. Remember the lesson we had from the scientists...
