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Welcome to ELVES CLASS

In Elves Class we are a brilliant mix of 20 children from Year 4 and 5.

Mrs Young teaches on Mondays and Tuesday afternoons and Ms Domoney the rest of the week. We also have two TAs, Mrs Wevill and Mrs Robson, to help with our learning. 


In Spring Term 1 we will be:

  • inspired by the painting "Hunters in the Snow" by Pieter Brugel
  • learning our remaining times tables, ready for the statutory multiplication test at the end of Year 4
  • investigating light, dark and shadowns
  • travelling back in time time to the Anglo-Saxons
  • finding out how to stay safe in PSHE
  • thinking about where our food comes from
  • learning about programming
  • improving our fitness and netball skills

Home Learning Ideas - Spring 1


- Find out about Pieter Brugel and his other famous paintings

- Read some books set in Anglo-Saxon times e.g. Anglo Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman

- Make your own fitness circuit and challenge your family and friends

- Relax by listening to some chilled out Beethoven

- Find out about the England netball team - are they any good?

- Look through your food cupboard - how far has your favourite food travelled?



LKS2 Information Session
