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Spring 1 - Happy New Year!


Here is a snapshot of our learning for the Spring term:


English - Our class book is 'The BFG'.  We will be reading this in class and also for homework.  Our literacy will be based on the painting 'Hunters in the Snow' by Pieter Bruegel where we will look at setting description using powerful adjectives and prepositional phrases.


Maths - addition and subtraction of two and three digit numbers, multiplication, division and fractions. We will also complete some NFER assessments throughout the school.


Science - Year 2 will be looking at Everyday Materials with Mrs Morris.

              Year 3 will be studying rocks.


History - we will be focusing on how hard was it to invade and settle in Britain.


Art - we will be looking at sketching and shading.


French - we will revise what we have learnt so far and continue to learn about the names of animals in French.


PE - the children will be learning fitness with me and netball with the PE coach.


PSHE - Dreams and Goals


Thank you to everyone who completed the homework on New Year Resolutions.

Please do come and see us after school for Teacher Tuesday and Celebration Assembly as we love sharing all our learning with you.

Remember to send in any trophies, certificates or achievements that are earnt outside of school as we love to also celebrate these in assembly.


Please keep up your reading, maths and spelling passports.


A busy term as always!

Autumn 2

Here is a snapshot of our learning for the Autumn 2 term:


English - Our class book is 'The Creakers'.  We will be reading this in class and also for homework.  Our literacy will be based on the book 'The Journey' where we will look at character description, dialogue and using expanded noun phrases in our writing.


Maths - addition and subtraction of two and three digit numbers, multiplication, division and measure. We will also complete some NFER assessments throughout the school.


Science - Year 2 will be looking at materials with Mrs Morris.

              Year 3 will be studying living things and their habitats.


Geography - we will be focusing on what makes a geographer and looking at our European neighbours.


DT - we will be designing and making book marks.


French - we will revise what we have learnt so far and continue to learn about the names of animals in French.


PE - the children will be learning dance with me and hockey with the PE coach.



Thunks - we will look at Respect, Tolerance ,Decision making and Communication


A busy term and of course Christmas things as well!



Things you can do to help your child to learn well in school:

  • encourage good organisation and have good routines in place
  • spend time reading together daily
  • ensure your child does their homework
  • help your child to be organised eg make sure their PE kit is in school and water bottle.


A little note on homework - reading daily will benefit your child in so many ways and is a great time to snuggle up together. Working on their passports and helping them to practise their times tables and spellings will have a great impact on how they feel in the classroom.

Please do come and ask if you are unsure of any of the homework set.

We hope you check this page frequently to keep up to date with the learning in Pegasus! 


Mrs Rendell


Optional additional home learning :

  • find out fun facts about Italy
  • design and make your favourite pizza (please take a photo)
  • Go on a walk and write a diary extract when you get back of your walk.
  • create a habitat for insects in your garden
  • paint a picture of your favourite toy.
  • make a poster of a times table that you find tricky
  • can you find all the capital cities of European countries and make a list.
  • design a new flag for the school
  • can you make up your own dance?





Welcome to Pegasus 2024-2025!


Hello! I am Mrs Rendell - the year two and three teacher. Mrs Corbett and Miss Finn are our brilliant teaching assistants, who we are very lucky to have helping in our class this year.


Each morning, the children complete a 'Quick Maths' challenge and work on their spelling and maths passports. This is a vital time of day so arriving and being organised by 8.45am is essential! 


We spend our mornings focused on our literacy and maths and the afternoons are science or non-core subjects. 


Here is a snapshot of our learning for this half term (Autumn 2024):



Maths - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

Science - Electricity (Year 3) Seasons (Year 2)

PSHE - Relationships

History - Romans

PE - Gymnastics and Football

Art - Famous artist - J M W Turner


Things you can do to help your child to learn well in school:

  • encourage good organisation and have good routines in place
  • spend time reading together daily
  • ensure your child does their homework
  • help your child to be organised eg make sure their PE kit is in school and water bottle.


A little note on homework - reading daily will benefit your child in so many ways and is a great time to snuggle up together. Working on their passports and helping them to practise their times tables and spellings will have a great impact on how they feel in the classroom.


We hope you check this page frequently to keep up to date with the learning in Pegasus! 


Mrs Rendell



Welcome to Pegasus Class!


In Pegasus Class you will find 21 awesome children. Mrs Young teaches on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons and Ms Domoney for the rest of the week. You will also find Mrs Jameson, Mrs Robson and Mrs Hill, our amazing TAs, who love to help everyone with their learning. 


This term, inspired by our whole-school topic of 

SOUL, we are going to be:

  • writers, inspired by the short film: Evol
  • historians, deciding whether we would rather live in the Stone Age, the Bronze Age or the Iron Age
  • mathematicians, learning how to use methods like column addition and the grid method and learning our times tables
  • sportspeople, improving our batting, bowling and fielding skills as well as working on our running, throwing and jumping
  • scientists, discovering the wonders of the plant kingdom
  • computer scientists, creating our own digital music
  • linguists, learning about French language and culture


Every week your homework will be:

- learn your spellings for a test and dictation on Fridays

- play either TTRockstars OR Numbots (aim for 300 points or 15 minutes)

- read three times, aloud to an adult


If you would like to do some more learning at home, see below for some ideas.

Ms Domoney and Mrs Young are always pleased to see work that has been completed in your own time. 


Pegasus Digital Music - open the file below and use the QR codes to listen to our animal-inspired music

Home Learning Ideas - Summer Term


- Practice your catching and throwing skills 

- Get out in the garden and grow some plants ready for summer. 

- Find out about a local pre-historic site such as Avebury or Stonehenge

- Dance to BBC Supermovers times table songs.

- Practice telling the time with both analogue and digital clocks.

- Listen to some Aretha Franklin - can you make up a dance?

- Use Chrome Music Lab to make your own music





Home learning links for Pegasus




(hint: your login is the same for both)


(for SpellingShed, MathsShed and QuizShed)



Times Table Cover Songs (YouTube)

BBC Supermovers Times Table Dances


World Geography Games


Five Minute Mum Games

Year 3&4 Information Session Powerpoint

Year 1&2 Information Session Powerpoint
